There’s nearly always a journal, a pen and a camera in my back pack and you’ll often see me documenting life in my own quirky way. I always knew I’d end up doing something creative but I never thought that the hours I spent scribbling in my journal as a teenager and the photos I annoyed my friends with, would turn out to be my way of expression, my thing and career.

This thrill for writing and photography grew during my Erasmus year when I lived the Andalusian life to the fullest, chasing sunsets and music in the streets, and in Panama where I discovered a love for yuca and papayas. Engulfed by new landscapes, cultures and ways of living, I fell for discovering the corners of the world and its stories.

Coming in touch with different people, traditions and lifestyles, I was in awe of this way of life learning, self-understanding, realising the importance of gratitude and feeling motivated to go after whatever I put my heart on.

I translated my experiences through writing as I found it to be my favourite way of expression. And whatever words could not describe, I photographed, finding a passion for marrying the two. Though writing for my blog and my university’s magazine wasn’t enough, I knew I could do more, so I began writing for a local newspaper.

Seeing my writing and images in print gave me the same excitement you feel when you see your food arriving at a restaurant. I knew that’s what I wanted to do, mostly for bringing experience-seekers closer to a culture’s traditions and a local’s life, leading to more raw travel experiences. So, I began developing my craft to urge people to explore, engage, open their minds and ultimately self-reflect and be invigorated to grab life by the horns.

Event photography began at the same time and as jobs grew, documenting parties, seminars and moments, I discovered that what I loved to do, is show people a fresh way of looking at life through my quirky lens, noticing the little details, the looks and the smiles.

Ditching the 9 to 5 and embracing my curious spirit, I decided to build my own work life and dream big. So, I went after the big names and began freelancing for Culture Trip as their Cyprus writer, for in-flight magazines and established local newspapers like the Cyprus Mail.

Ever-growing, I continue to expand my collaborations and better myself and my work. If you’re still reading this, you probably share similar values of life learning, independent work and personal growth. So, let’s grow together. Allow me to create for you…


Allow me to create for you…


 My most memorable travel experiences